Sentimental dressing

Adding items to my wardrobe where I know the story behind it makes the purchase mean so much more. Clothes become more than just what you put on in the morning. I talk about a new addition in my wardrobe that means more that most.

Menswear is trending

For all of us that like to feel we have a tight grip on our personal style, deflecting menswear columns and runway trends are key to staying true to our wardrobe. But surely some of this hits home even if it is a nuance or colour we are seeing or reading a lot of?

Two weeks in

It might not be common, but for me I have allowed myself to take things as slow as possible. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to work on and being able to feel comfortable with the notion that everyone is on a different career path where no two are the same.

Menswear gift guide

With a little over a week to go until the 25th, I feel these ten menswear items would all sit very well underneath the Christmas tree. If anyone wants to gift me these, that would be okay as well.


Do not be that person who isn’t prepared for the upcoming season. Wet weather is on its way and I definitely got a preview of this on my trip to Glasgow. Here’s how I embraced the conditions.

My Hong Kong

Having the privilege to go somewhere like Hong Kong every few years isn't something I take lightly. It's such a special place to me and somewhere I am learning more about with each trip. This is my take on this summer’s visit.