Three podcasts that got me through lockdown | Men's fashion, lifestyle and travel blog

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Three podcasts that got me through lockdown

Three podcasts that got me through lockdown


While we have been staying indoors I have been trying to keep stimulated and not let my brain turn completely off, although it is definitely been petering around the low power mode area for a few months. If you are feeling up to it, now is a time to read the books you bought but haven’t read and tick off the tasks that have been put off ever since they were put on.

While I might not be the biggest book reader, I do enjoy my fair share of podcasts. But while it only takes two seconds to subscribe to a podcast while you’re at your desk it can be quickly forgotten about and before you know it, you are ten episodes down and have that feeling of never being able to catch-up. While in lockdown podcasts let me feel part of a conversation while having very little contact time with others. I just like the idea of having just pulled up a chair at the end of the table and hearing people talk. There’s so much that can be covered and I think even if you come away with just one new bit of information that you didn’t know before, that’s valuable. I currently have a notes page in my phone to write down these little nuggets. And while I know there are plenty floating around to get stuck into, I want to point you in the direction of three podcasts should you have the time, that I feel are worth a listen.

Details by MR PORTER

You know that I like to sweat the small stuff. Collar types, fabric choices and even the smaller things like pocket sizes. Well the new Details by MR PORTER podcast sings off of the same hymn sheet with each episode focusing around a particular facet. The six part series hosted by Adam Welch takes us everywhere from Margaret Howell’s showroom to his local breakfast haunt. If you’re a sucker for details, get this in your ears.

HandCut Radio

Need more menswear chat? Aleksandar Cvetkovic fronts HandCut Radio and talks to some of the sharpest brands both on and off the Row. Tailoring tends to be the hook here, but don’t worry, all are welcome and I could not be further from a suit if I tried while listening to each episode [insert photo of me in a pyjama two-piece]. Favourite conversations include ones with Nick Sullvian of Esquire and Michael Hill of Drake’s.

Courier Daily (Weekly)

Veering away from menswear and a podcast that was been born during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Courier Daily podcast has done an excellent job in talking to different companies from all different sectors as to how they have been impacted and how they have been able to pivot during such difficult times. While we might now be on the road to recovery and they have a resorted back to their usual weekly format, the episodes make for an interesting listen on how business owners adapted to new structures.jbicon

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